How to Best Tackle feelings of Jealousy and Comparison on the Fertility Journey

What do you do when feelings of Jealousy and Comparison come up during your Fertility Journey?

If you have been on the fertility journey for any amount of time, you have probably experienced a roller coaster of emotions. Everything from sadness to anger, disbelief to shame. How you handle these challenging emotions can be critical in moving you forward on your journey.

So what do you do the next time the Green Monster, Jealousy rears its ugly head? How do you react the next time you hear someone say they got pregnant and were not even really trying? Do you spiral into your emotions and go down the rabbit hole of misery and self pity by eating a big bowl of chocolate peanut butter ice cream and binge watching Netflix or do you take something empowering from this moment? You do have a choice when it comes to processing through these emotions. Most often, we just bury the ‘bad’ emotions far far away and don’t even process them until the next triggering moment comes up and the next after that. 

What if we used this triggering moment as a positive tool so that the next time it comes up we will know exactly how to respond?

Feelings of jealousy and comparison can be used as a positive feedback loop. What are you missing in your life that you already have inside of you? Try to dig deeper into these emotions and go beyond just surface level wants. Can you spot something in that other person that you have in yourself that you are not owning or not stepping into? Zoom out and see the bigger picture. Yes you desire the obvious… that positive pregnancy test and a healthy baby. You are on the fertility journey still and do not have these things but can you look deeper than this. What do you have that you are not fully embracing? Journal about this and see what comes up.

Try these journal prompts:

I am jealous because…

I am not stepping into my full power of…

I see what this other person has and I desire this in my own life. Do I already have this inside of me? Do I see myself as a mother? Am I mothering myself right now?

I am not stepping into my full potential of joy but now I will.

I am not stepping into my full potential of confidence but now I can.

I am not stepping into my full power of perseverance but I see now how incredibly strong I have been and will continue to be on this journey of mine.

Recognize that feelings of jealousy and comparison are perfectly normal feelings and you get to decide how to alchemize and change those feelings into a powerful force. These are lessons that will make you a better mother and person down the road and that you will be able to tap into time and time again as life hands you lemons. So, will you use the power of jealousy and comparison as a force for good in your life and uncover things you never knew you had?

Caitlin Townsend